How to install different types of faucets

2019-06-03 1068

Different types of faucets, equipment details are also different. Today, Xiaobian will give us a deeper explanation.

Details of kitchen faucets

1. Remove the whole fittings of the faucet, such as dental tube, rubber gasket, stainless steel gasket, fixed nut, etc.

2. Put one of the intake pipes through the tap opening and through the mesa.

3. Wrap the water inlet pipe through the water inlet hole under the tap and tighten it properly.

4. Put the whole dental tube through the intake pipe which has been screwed into the tap intake.

5. Put the second intake pipe through the entire dental tube and twist it into another intake under the tap, and tighten it properly.

6. Align the dental tube to the bottom of the faucet and tighten it properly, adjust the orientation of the faucet, and then fix and tighten the fittings properly.

Tips: Kitchen faucet equipment must be quiet, because the use of kitchen faucet frequency is high, coupled with being broken off, easy to loose, so locking nuts is the key.